Friday, September 10, 2010

Naruto# 509 manga review

"A Birdge to Peace" starts with Konan standing up to fight Madara. So Konan believes that Naruto will hold and create the bridge leading to peace in the ninja world. Also, she explains to Madara how Akatsuki was formed and what their cloak design signifies. This is where Madara reveals the truth, maybe, and claims that he prompted Nagato to create Akatsuki and has also given him the Rinnegan.

Madara wants the eyes and Konan happens to be the only one to where they are hidden. The fight starts when Konan spreads out her paper wings and surrounds Madara, mixing along with it explosive tags. Where as Madara uses his "dimension sucking thingy" and .......... *STORY FLASHBACK*  -too boring to be reviewed-

We notice Madara, with his right arm disintegrated and mask broken from the top right. Only Konan till now has been able to not only touch but harm Madara brutally as well. In the chapter ending, Konan screams pretty words and uses her, yet to be revealed, secret technique. It pretty much is a split 'sea of papers' going deep down as we can see. Looks awesome! but i hope its not disappointing.   (Link to Naruto manga chapter)

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