Friday, July 30, 2010

The wait for Naruto UNS 2 demo is still not over : (

Naruto UNS 2 official demo release date is yet to be announced by Cyber Connect 2 President, Hiroshi Matsuyama. I feel like PSN will experience a server traffic on the demo release day ( as if that could ever happen ). Although the game will be released in North America initially but the demo will be out in Japan first, implying that the demo would be available on the Japanese PSN Store. Its evident that CC2 will place their priorities at the top. So to be the first ones to enjoy, you guys better head off to start making JAPANESE PSN ACCOUNTS. Find link for making one at the bottom of this post.

Bottom line: Demo will be out shortly, so please stop faking seizure attacks ! =P YOU EPILEPTICS ! jk.

Learn how to make a japan PSN account here (courtesy - IGN blogs):

   ~ Leave your interesting and creative responses in the comment section beleeow ~

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